#06 The Developing Brain, The Embodied Self, And The Neuroscience of Connecting With Your Client - Klaas Hovinga, MSc

Season #1

Klaas Hovinga, MSc, uses a neurological integrative approach with his clients, based on neuro-development from a hemispheric perspective, as well as Neuro Impulse Protocol (NIP); a full body system of analysis to identify abnormal sensory input from structures of the body such as joints, muscles and ligaments that compromise the brains ability to co-ordinate normal movement and strength. https://www.hovingachiropractie.nl [email protected]

Become a Brain-Based Coach, enroll in Applied Neuroscience Training, or join our Community of Coaches: https://www.brainfirsttraininginstitute.com

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/brain-coach-radio/id1582411319?i=1000537173521
