
The Neuroscience Of Transformational Coaching: Understanding Assertions And Assessments

the coaches zone transformational coaching

  August 17, 2023

Consider the following example:

Elena, a 34-year-old executive, sought coaching after being passed over for promotion for the third time. Despite her undeniable technical expertise, Elena believed she lacked "leadership presence." She frequently made self-deprecating comments like, "I'm just not cut out for leadership," which limited her professional growth.

Transformational coaching, primarily rooted in the domain of language, focuses on the way an individual's language, emotions, and body coalesce to create their reality. Elena's coach, Maya, decided to focus on Elena's linguistic patterns.

Maya started by asking Elena to recount past incidents that made her feel less of a leader. As Elena shared, Maya noted her language patterns, like the use of limiting words and self-deprecating assertions.

Maya introduced Elena to studies showing the plasticity of the brain and how changing one's language and thoughts can literally rewire the brain. Maya explained that...

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